We strive to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics and we value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business.

Through our whistleblower system, both employees and external parties can report suspected violations of law, business ethics or our policies.

Our credibility and long-term success are built on our business principles, described in our Employee Code of Conduct and our Supplier Code of Conduct. You have an important role in raising your concern if you suspect any wrongdoing that is not in line with our Codes of Conduct. This gives us the possibility to prevent or correct any improper activity.

If you feel you cannot be open with your identity, you are welcome to report your suspicions in a secure and anonymous manner by using our whistleblowing service. There are no reprisals due to reporting a violation. 

Reports are handled confidentially by Renewcell’s HR department. Access to messages received through the whistleblowing service is restricted. The HR department decides if and how a whistleblowing report should be escalated. A summary of received whistleblowing reports is presented to the Board of Directors on an annual basis.

You can access our whistleblower system through this link.